Explore? Create!

Fresh training courses for professionals to think and work differently.

Interrobang corporate logo, with a question mark and lightning exclamation point

Hi. We’re Interrobang?!

We do unconventional corporate training.

In our courses, we’ll teach your teams to think and work differently. This site is under construction, so check back soon for more details about our classes.

Punctuation trivia time: the interrobang is an unconventional punctuation mark that combines the question mark and exclamation point - which builds a question asked in an excited way. That’s the spirit of what we embody: ask excellent questions and create fresh ideas with a bang?!

Meet Captain Snacks?!

Captain Snacks is the unofficial mascot of Interrobang. Get to know him while you’re waiting for updates about new content and courses!

He’s a ~2 year old Australian Cattle Dog mix, found with his brothers and sisters under a house in Decatur, GA. Captain Snacks loves everything (!!!), especially playing fetch, doing tricks (he knows over 40!), and hanging with his adopted brothers (a wiener dog named Blinkin and a fluffy cat named Professor Taco Tuesday).